7 full days of all workshops and events
Concerts, Dance, Tantric Parties, Love Lounge
You pay Eur 100 deposit. The remaining amount is paid at the Venue info desk.
Accommodation prices include meals:
vegetarian with vegan options breakfast, lunch and dinner.
All prices for food and accommodation are per person / per day.
– STONE ROOM TYPE I (2 or 3 regular beds): Spacious rooms with attached bathroom, A/C and refrigerator. Shared (2 visitors) 55€ per visitor/ per day, shared (3 visitors) 45€ per visitor/ per day, single 80€ per day.
– STONE ROOM TYPE II (2 regular beds): Rooms with attached bathroom, A/C, refrigerator. Shared (2 visitors) 45€ per visitor/ per day, single 70€ per day.
– WOODEN HUT (2 regular beds): A wooden construction with tile roof, electricity and fans. Use of common showers and toilet facilities (beddings provided, not towels). Shared (2 visitors) 40€ per visitor/ per day, single 50€ per day.
– TENT (single accommodation): We provide a tent, mattress, pillow, sheets and pillowcase. Use of common showers and toilet facilities. 35€ per visitor/ per day.
Food and Accomodation please book directly with Afroz Meditation centre: info@oshoafroz.com